Sight reduction tables

This page provides for download a computer program to calculate and print out sight reduction tables similar to the classic ‘Air Tables’. Compiled versions for Windows PC and Apple Mac computers are provided, we also provide ‘C’ source code that can be compiled for other operating systems.

When running the program one can select the Latitude and Declination ranges to be printed which means that in practice there is no need to make a thick book; a suggested use is to print off the few pages covering the ranges of Latitude and Declination, plus some safety margin, relevant to the planned voyage.


To the best of our knowledge the downloads provided here generate accurate tables, however anyone using the generated tables does so at their own risk, we make no warranty about the accuracy of the tables generated by these downloads.

The downloads provided on this page are copyright of James Collier.


The tables display calculated Altitude and Azimuth for LHA versus Declination, one page for each degree of Latitude. A snippet of a page is reproduced here:

Extract from output page

The Declination is printed across the top, in half-degree (30 minute) intervals, and the LHA down the vertical axis, starting at zero and going up to 109 degrees (by which time the sun would be below the horizon!). Each entry contains a two number pair: the calculated altitude and the calculated azimuth. Look at the values in the table above for LHA = 3° and Declination = 20° 30’; the Calculated Altitude is 68° 21’ and the Calculated Azimuth is 188°.

The format of the tables is always, that is to say degrees, a decimal point, then minutes.

Sign convention

The following convention is used – it may be idiosyncratic:

Only positive LHA is shown, so if LHA is negative, i.e. the sun is to the east:

Files for Download

This site only contains a small example file of a pre-prepared table, so you have to compute and print your own. The files available for down-load are:


Please note that we are unable to provide any support for this software and cannot answer support requests relating to these downloads, but they are provided free of charge so if they work on your system that's fine.

Generating tables

Having downloaded the program file ‘gen_table’, (it may be shown as ‘gen_table.exe’ on some computers), you are ready to run it. To do so open a command window:

In both cases you must change directory (command is ‘cd’) to wherever you have put the downloaded file ‘gen_table’. At this point you may run the program by typing, for eacmple:

What this does is run the program, and you should see pages of text rushing past on the screen. The four numbers are the variables or ‘arguments’ that determine the range of latitude and declination to be covered, they are entered in the following order:

  1. Start Lattitude (=0 in the example above)
  2. Finish Lattitude (=2 in the example above)
  3. Start Declination (=15 in the example above)
  4. Finish Declination (=20 in the example above).

Only 13 columns fit across an A4 sheet of paper, so I suggest that you always choose Start Declination and Finish Declination which are 6 degrees apart (the Declination is printed every half degree, so 6 degrees means 13 columns – think about fences and gateposts).

Important: A peculiarity of the program is that the input values are in degrees, not degrees.minutes, so to start at a Declination of 17° 30’ one types 17.5.

gen_table 45 55 17.5 23.5 > tmp.rtf

This directs the output to a file called "tmp.rtf" . There’s nothing magic about this name, by all means change it to any name you like, such as “Some output from this rotten programme.rtf”. But keep the" .rtf" on the end.

Printing them out

Open the rtf file just created in your favourite word processor and it should look neat, Latitude value printed at the top, 13 columns of Declination spaced half a degree apart and a row for every degree of LHA from 0 to 109, all fitting on a single page for every value of latitude printed.

Assuming it does look like this, just print the file just as you would any normal document. The paper size has to be A4.

Using the tables

It is assumed that you are already familiar with using a sextant and the concepts by which one uses sun sights to establish a position line – terms such as Declination and LHA have already been used. However here is the way I think about the problem and the way I use the tables:

  1. Look up Declination and GHA
  2. Estimate your own position (EP) 
  3. Look up the Altitude and Azimuth Using the tables!
  4. Measure the True Altitude
  5. Difference the TA and the CA 
  6. Plot the position line 

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