Speedwell of Rhu Ship's Log

30 th of July 2016 - Baltimore

Crew : Helen and Andy
Destinations : Baltimore Harbour.
Distance : 6 miles

We left Barloge Creek just before 10am and motor sailed around the corner to Baltimore Harbour. Motor sailed is probably an exaggeration, since there was absolutely no wind and the sails hung limply. We set our anchor across from the town, away from the moorings. Baltimore has a small grocery shop and we were also able to have a pint in Bushes pub whilst using their internet connection. The harbour was very busy due to it being a bank holiday weekend. We had a walk up to the day mark, known as Lot's wife as it looks like a pillar of salt. However, the town itself was very busy and people were out in their ribs enjoying the water. It was fun to watch but very noisy, so we were keen to leave fairly quickly the following day.



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